Enable Email customization for WooCommerce Shop Managers

WP-HTML-Mail adds a new options-page in your WordPress backend to customize all your email settings and create a nice template.

Options pages are only accessible by administrators but you can move these setting to make them available to Shop Managers as well.

Just paste the script below to your themes functions.php to get a new main menu entry “Email template”

function relocate_wphtmlmail_menu_page(){
    add_menu_page ( __('Email','haet_mail'), __('Email template','haet_mail'), 'edit_pages', 'wp-html-mail', array(Haet_Mail(), 'print_admin_page'), 'dashicons-email-alt', 60 );
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'relocate_wphtmlmail_menu_page',20);