Easy Digital Downloads
Create your own email templates for your Easy-Digital-Downloads Shop.
- Your own colors
- Custom fonts
- Header
- Footer
- Live preview
- Responsive
Valuable plug-in and professional support
Integrates perfectly with WooCommerce (WP HTML Mail – WooCommerce add-on) and Caldera Forms, even now with third-party plug-in WooCommerce Germanized too.
It’s really easy to use and the results after a few clicks looking very aesthetically.
The support is outstanding fast and very competent. The new version 2.7+ was a great step in the right direction and documents a clean code base, that enables the developer to extend this plug-in with such valuable features.
Highly recommended!
“This is the best Mail Builder for WordPress i have ever used, and is so simple and easy.”
“Lightweight and does what I need it to do. Easy to set up and configure.”
Custom Colors
Customize all colors for header, footer background, fonts and tables with color pickers
Edit Fonts
All fonts can be styled according to your corporate design. Headlines, content, order items, variations, footer, ….
Use your logo, a full width header or just a text header.
Live Preview
Select one of your previous orders and preview the purchase receipt LIVE in the browser.
Footer Editor
Your email footer can contain any formatted text, links or even images.
Emails are optimized for desktop and mobile email clients.