WooCommerce show only lowest shipping rate

woocommerce shippingIf you create rules for WooCommerce shipping costs, you’ll often end up with situations where customers can choose either paying $5.00 or $10.00 for shipping.

You can still hope some clients will choose to pay the higher rate, but in most situation the choice is useless.

There’s a code snippet available at WooCommerce documentation to hide other shipping options when free shipping is available.

Filter woocommerce_package_rates

I want to hide other options if a cheaper rate is available.

Add the following code to your themes functions.php:

add_filter( 'woocommerce_package_rates', 'show_only_lowest_shipping_rate' , 10, 2 );

 * Show only lowest shipping rate
function show_only_lowest_shipping_rate( $rates, $package ) {
     // Only modify rates if more than one rates are available
   if ( isset( $rates ) && count( $rates ) > 1 ) {
          $lowest_rate = null;
        $lowest_rate_key = null;
        $lowest_rate_cost = 1000000;
        foreach ( $rates as $rate_key => $rate ) {
           if( $rate->cost < $lowest_rate_cost ){
                $lowest_rate_cost = $rate->cost;
                 $lowest_rate_key = $rate_key;
               $lowest_rate = $rate;
       // return array only containing the lowest rate
         if( isset( $lowest_rate ) )
             return array( $lowest_rate_key => $lowest_rate );
    return $rates;

2 Responses to “WooCommerce show only lowest shipping rate”

  1. Chad Reitsma

    count( $rates > 1 ) should be: count( $rates) > 1 )


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