WPForms E-Mail Templates
Use all your known features from WP HTML Mail for your WPForms and WPForms-Lite contact forms.
Customize your notifications from WPForms Contact Forms. Add your custom header image, logo, change any colors and fonts to fit your corporate design.
Of course it works without any coding knowledge, without even writing a single line of code.
Its getting even better: you create one template and you can use it with many other plugins too like WooCommerce, NinjaForms, Caldera Forms, Easy Digital Downloads, …
Great tool. A must have if you want to customize emails WP is sending
If you don’t like the standard WP email layout or the emails WooCommerce is creating (for that you will have to buy the extra WP HTML Mail – WooCommerce Plugin, but it is worth it), this tool is the one.
With WP HTML Mail I was able to customize my email templates exactly as I wanted them. Even the mails from Contact Form 7 (and othe plug-ins I don’t use) will be automagically in your new layout without any extra work. Thanks Hannes for the great work!
„Das Plugin ist sehr einfach zu bedienen und man bekommt sehr schnell seine Emails schön gelayoutet.“
Great tool to easily edit your mail templates.
After testing the basic version I immediatly upgraded to premium… Very neat tool to easily customize your WordPress and especially WooCommerce mails. A must have for professional customer interaction!